1. How have you increased Vitamin D in mushrooms? Is it a natural process?

Mushrooms naturally contain high levels of ergosterol (pre-vitamin D), which converts to Vitamin D in the presence of sunlight. Commercial mushrooms are grown indoors and do not have exposure to sunlight. At SA Mushrooms, we expose the mushrooms to light after harvesting, and that stimulates the mushrooms to make its own perfectly natural Vitamin D, just as they would if growing in the wild.

2. Are the Vitamin D mushrooms from SA Mushrooms a new type of mushroom?

No, these are just regular mushrooms that have received a controlled amount of light after they have been harvested. This small burst of light is similar to a longer amount of exposure to sunlight.

3. Do Vitamin D mushrooms taste different?

No, placing mushrooms in light for a short amount of time doesn’t affect the flavour of mushrooms. You may see some slight browning from the light but this won’t affect the flavour, nor the nutritional benefits of the mushroom.

4. What happens to Vitamin D in mushrooms if I cook them or leave them in the fridge?

Vitamin D is a very robust vitamin and its level changes very little when stored in a paper bag in the fridge. Cooked mushrooms have a high retention of vitamin D. In fact, some of our tests show a small increase in the D content of cooked mushrooms, possibly because heat further stimulates the mushroom to produce vitamin D.

5. Where can I buy Vitamin D Mushrooms?

Our Vitamin D Mushrooms can be in short supply. They are usually available from Foodland, IGA and other independent greengrocers. 

6. Does this mean I don’t need a vitamin D supplement?

It depends. Your need for vitamin D is very individual. We recommend that you see your GP for advice on your vitamin D levels and your need for a supplement. It is possible to get all your vitamin D needs through wise sun-exposure and eating foods with vitamin D, such as fish, table margarine, and Vitamin D Mushrooms.

7. How many mushrooms do I need to eat to get my daily needs of Vitamin D? Can I eat too many Vitamin D mushrooms?

One serve of Vitamin D mushrooms (about 100 gm, or 3 medium button mushrooms) provides your daily needs of Vitamin D. Each pack of Vitamin D Mushrooms from SA Mushrooms contains 2 serves of mushrooms (200 grams). It is almost impossible to overdose on vitamin D from eating vitamin D rich foods or from sun exposure. Vitamin D toxicity is extremely rare and has only been seen in people injecting very high amounts of vitamin D, not from eating vitamin D containing foods.

8. Why Vitamin D is so important for health?

The major role of vitamin D is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, required for the growth and maintenance of strong bones. Australian research shows that 1 in 4 adults are low in vitamin D, with the levels being higher in winter and in people living in the southern-most parts of Australia (ABS 2014). This is likely because work commitments, or fear of skin cancer, reduce skin exposure to sunlight. Low vitamin D levels have been linked to an increased risk of multiple sclerosis, diabetes, various types of cancers, heart disease, mental health conditions, poor outcomes in stroke, altered immunity and other autoimmune diseases (Mann 2012; Ford 2014). Adequate vitamin D reduces the chance of falls, bone fractures and the loss of muscle strength.

9. Who verifies Vitamin D levels in these mushrooms?

Verification of Vitamin D levels are certified by the Australian Government Laboratory.


Australian Bureau of Statistics (2014). Australian health survey: Biomedical results for nutrients

Ford, J.A., MacLennan, G.S., Avenell, A., Bolland, M., Grey, A., Witham, M. and RECORD Trial Group, (2014). Cardiovascular disease and vitamin D supplementation: trial analysis, systematic review, and meta-analysis. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 100 (3), 746-755.

Mann, J., Truswell, A.S. (2012) Essentials of Human Nutrition, Oxford University Press, 4th edition, p246-250